Double Birmingham Maintenance with 3G Rubber Top Up This January

25th January 2019

Remember this Multi-Sport MUGA installation? How about the more recent Football Centre 3G pitch? Well, Synthetic Turf Maintenance (STM) were in Birmingham only yesterday completing the partnership sports clubs' bi-annual maintenance and what a difference a couple of hours makes!

Here at STM we run on the fact that all artificial surfaces only perform as well as they are looked after, and that is why we provide bespoke packages to fit in with everyone of our clients. We are always there to lend a hand, answer your questions and restore your playing surface back to its best! We work closely with both of these clubs to deliver the highest performing surface for all of the local community to enjoy.

Multi Sports Club

This MUGA was an install we complete almost half a decade ago. Yet still it looks as good as new due to the regular maintenance and care it receives all year round.

Read more on multi use (MUGA) sport maintenance here

Indoor Bowls Club and Football Centre

As part of this maintenance we included a rubber granule top up. After heavy usage, the 3G granules will move about around the pitch, leaving heavily used areas a little bear. If this isn’t addressed, it could wear down your synthetic grass much quicker. That is why occasional rubber top ups are necessary.

The rubber is worked into the surface and will fall naturally into place during use.

Read more on Football maintenance here