STM offer ongoing maintenance plans and will advise you on the measures you can take in house to keep your MUGA performing at optimum level. MUGAs are installed with a product that is super durable to allow for all different kinds of sports to be played on it whether it be hockey, athletics or football. The problem is that no matter who installed it or what level of quality it is, if a MUGA is not maintained properly this can shorten the lifespan of the turf and result in a poor performing pitch.

To ensure that you get the most from your MUGA moss, weed and algae control should be completed ideally about 4 times a year to discourage growth. You should pay particular concern to this if your MUGA is located in an area with heavy vegetation or overhanging trees.

Furthermore, over time the carpet and adhesive can be broken down due to the unfortunate British weather conditions, if this is not maintained to prevent further damage, a resurfacing job may be the only option.

There are other elements to monitor when you have a MUGA to look after such as infill levels, power brushing and drainage. If the MUGA is not cleaned in house properly then this could lead to further problems. Activities such as picking up litter and leaves can work wonders for your MUGA. However sometimes power sweeping may be needed for the air born smaller particles that can rest within the surface and contaminate your MUGA. In the future this could lead to problems with drainage resulting in an unusable pitch due to the safety and possible slipping on the surface in wet weather. This is crucial in a MUGA more than any other surface as there is likely not to be an alternative as all sports are played on one surface.

If there are still questions that you would like answered, please do not hesitate to call Synthetic Turf Maintenance and we will be happy to discuss your artificial grass needs.

Call 01642 713 555